Wersja polska
Marianna Gajek - virtual painting gallery
Exhibition at the Stara Kordegarda Gallery
in the Royal Łazienki Park in Warsaw (February 28 - March 22, 2008)
The opening of the exhibition took place on February 28, 2008- only pleasant memories remain:
Official part - first video
Official part - second video
Mr. Mariano- the soul of the Stara Kordegarda Gallery
Famous art critic
There were alsothe Three Graces
It was quite tight at times
The world of artand the world of science
Overheard: "However,it made an incredible impression on me"
Finally a little more relaxed
Copyright © 2008 - 2024, Marianna Gajek. Webmaster: janusz.michalak.g@gmail.com